Maintaining your figure during the holidays can be quite a challenge. Before you partake in those festive holiday delights, consider how long it…
We’re all guilty of overindulging throughout the holiday season. It’s so easy. There are a ton of holiday parties with boundless delights,…
The holiday season is upon us. Ideally, the holiday season would be packed full of only merry greetings and holiday cheer; however, for most of us,…
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season often sidetrack us from eating right and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Of all the holidays we…
We all love to indulge on Thanksgiving, but have you ever given any thought to how many calories you need to burn for that extra helping of…
Upon embarking on a wellness program in Orlando, some people decide to try a vegetarian diet. However, weight loss clinics stress the importance of…
While Thanksgiving is a time for being thankful, we can’t ignore the delicious food on the table that we share our thanks over. The infographic…
It’s estimated that the average Thanksgiving “meal” contains 3,000 calories – more than most people should eat in an entire day. So how…
On Thanksgiving, Make Sure You Stuff Your Turkey and Not Yourself.
The average American eats about 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving – this equates…
Did you know that women are more likely to not control the calories they eat on Thanksgiving because they are celebrating while men are more…