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Specials may be available!

At Calla Slimspa Medical Weight Loss Center, we hope to make our services available to anyone who is interested in achieving weight loss. One of our various programs will undoubtedly be the right fit for you. Please check back often for specials on our different programs and products. Specials may become available at different times throughout the year!

Calla Slimspa Special Offers



October 2024


Why use a medical weight loss program instead of trying to lose weight on your own?

  1. Experienced weight loss programs have a proven track record.
  2. These programs have qualified professionals who can offer personalized guidance.
  3. They can provide comprehensive meal plans and exercise routines tailored to your needs.
  4. They offer support and accountability through regular check-ins and meetings.
  5. They can help you address any underlying medical or emotional issues related to weight loss.
  6. They can provide education on healthy lifestyle habits for long-term success.
  7. They often have access to resources and tools that may not be available to you otherwise.

Request a Free Consultation!

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*Hero’s Discount

We want to thank those who serve our community and make them a better place to live by giving them special pricing on our weight loss program.

Our Hero’s Discount Weight Loss Program is available to:

  • Teachers
  • Police Officers
  • Firefighters
  • Veterans
  • Nurses

Call to Learn More

Our Patient Health PortalApp

To make your program even easier to follow, we have a smart phone application that can be downloaded on your computer or phone! You can fill out your forms, monitor your progress, review your lab work, send us messages, and more! All we need to get you set up is:

  • Full name
  • Date of Birth
  • Email address
  • Phone Number


See a Slimmer, Healthier You. Start Today!