Losing weight can be fun. If you’re already eating healthy you are well on your way to getting the body you want. In addition to healthy…
Does Your Weight Make You More Susceptible to Cardiovascular Disease?
Obesity is considered a major risk factor for both coronary heart disease…
Eyes love to naturally gravitate toward a woman with a round, firm butt. It speaks to the world saying that you are fit, sexy and beautiful. You…
Take advantage of the beautiful Orlando weather and boost your weight loss efforts by taking your exercise routine outside.
In the state of…
When It Comes to Fat-Loss Workouts, the Game Has Changed.
If you’re looking to lose weight through a cardio routine, the rules have changed.…
For over four decades fitness enthusiasts, athletes and bodybuilders alike have used protein powders as the foundation for their nutritional…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re probably aware of fish oil and all the publicity it’s been receiving lately. But what you may…
We’ve all heard the importance of pre- and post-workout nutrition but you may not know why you need to eat prior to working out or what exactly…
Before you commit to a weight loss program, it’s important to educate yourself about what the plan entails. By being well informed about your…
Losing weight through sleep may sound a bit absurd but have you ever had a sleepless night followed by a day when you never felt full or satisfied,…