Avoiding holiday weight gain can be tough. Instead of piling your plate a mile high with things that don’t really tantalize your taste buds…
When a beloved holiday only comes once per year, it’s often difficult to avoid giving in to temptation. Unfortunately, indulging yourself too…
Saying motivated with exercising can be tough. Exercise can play an important role in personalized weight loss plan in Orlando, FL, but staying…
One of the biggest benefits of monitored weight loss programs is the way they can change your health. Weight loss has a dramatic impact on your…
Maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall well being. One of the most widely used indicators of weight-related health is the Body…
Maintaining a healthy weight is a goal shared by many individuals. While a healthy diet and regular exercise are key factors in achieving weight…
Dieting and fluid retention are closely related. About 4.4 million people in the U.S. suffer from edema or “water retention.” When it comes…
If you’ve recently completed a program for personalized weight loss near Orlando, FL, then you may be wondering what you can do to maintain…
Weight loss vitamins, customized diets, and weight loss assessments can all help you achieve a healthy weight, but if you struggle with…
Obesity in America: home of the free and the gluttonous.
2/3 of American adults are overweight. And 1/3 of those are obese.
With crazy,…